Melchizedek and The Andromedans
Trust in self is a very important concept. This energy frequency will allow you to manifest easily and effortlessly. When manifesting at this level, you can take advantage of frequency, and everything will open up to you.
3rd of March Channeled Message
“Forward Expansion into Future You!” Knowing and believing in yourself will enable you to more easily make changes that will support you going forward. For now, be aware of steps you could take to further your path, or clear your path. Take the steps that feel strongest and most appropriate in the moment.
Sirian Starseed Connection
The Sirians are Messengers of Light, and as such we wish to share coding for physical healing that you can utilize as you wish. This process can be used now and at any other time and will be just as strong and effective.

Teaching From the Pleaidians
Pleaidians are bringing in Pleaidian keys and coding, through the December 25th Portal today, a powerful and clear Portal of Divine Light. “This coding will enlighten the Earth with Divine Light, and sync her vibration with the galactic center”.

Consciousness Teachings From the Pleaidians
Does it feel like you have a soul connection to the Pleaides? People of Pleaidian soul ancestry feel at home away from civilization. Because their heart vibrates on an Earth frequency, removing themselves from the frequency distortions of areas of interference gives them a calm centeredness.

A Clarion Call to Lightworkers from The Andromedan Beings
How can you contribute to the Earth while contributing to yourself? How can you provide the most benefit, while serving the most people? The Andromedan’s bring beneficial knowledge to pursue.

Three Essential Tips on Expanding your Cosmic Consciousness and Connections with Andromeda
The Andromedan Council has a message for those wishing to connect or expand connections and consciousness. There are many ways to increase your connections to the Higher Realms. One must be willing to be open to the light, to trust it, and to know it is real.

What is a Sirius Starseed
If you feel a pull toward Sirius, as if there is something in the energy that intrigues you, see how aligned you are with the Sirian Starseed characteristics. Perhaps this star is a place you once called home.

Enhancing The Sirius Connection
Sirian beings are very interested and invested in helping Earth, as such, they are interested in speaking to as many people as possible who wish to serve.

Direct contact with Sanat Kumara and the Arcturians through reading The Arcturian Anthology
With our galaxy being a “hub of extraordinary activity and interaction between many intergalactic civilizations”, there are many extraterrestrial races visiting or residing on Earth.